Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer is the second book in the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Series. The story takes place during Vlad's freshman year in high school. Vlad is being stalked by an unknown slayer, takes a trip to Siberia for some vampire training, and finds out about a scary vampire prophecy that might mean that he is destined to take over the world and enslave all humans. On the human side, he takes the brunt of the school's bullying, is in love with Meredith but too shy to talk to her, and makes a new friend in his best friend's (Henry) cousin (Joss).

I liked this book. I started reading it before I realized that it was the second book in the series - I haven't read the first book, Eighth Grade Bites. Fortunately, Heather Brewer does a nice job of filling in the gaps so that reading the first book isn't entirely necessary. There were a few twists and turns that I wasn't expecting, which made me want to keep reading! For a vampire story, this series is not very gory. I think it would appeal to people who like horror, but don't want all the blood!


Reeve said...

I think this book, Ninth Grade Slays was pretty good. I especially liked the ending. I thought it was pretty cool when Vlad took Meredith to the freedom fest. I read Eight Grade Bites last year. Personally I liked Eighth Grade Bites better.
Reeve Bowling
Reading 3

Christee said...

This series is pratical how Vlad drinks blood etc, and this series is good, but i liked the first book 8th Grade Bites better.