Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin is about a puzzle solving maniac named Winston.  His interest in  solving complicated puzzles has always been a fun past time for Winston.  He could never have predicted it would come to serve him well in a real-life treasure hunt!  It all started when Winston bought a neat little keepsake box for his sister at his favorite antiques/curiosities shop.  When she opened it on her birthday, Kate found a hidden compartment with a puzzle clue.  This clue brought him to the town's librarian, the sister of the previous owner of that box.  Violet, Kate, Winston, and two professional treasure hunters embark on the hunt of their lives, in search of a fancy ring worth a lot of money.  Plagued by mysterious burglar, the group works through a series of clues only to find they didn't actually possess everything they needed to make it to the final destination... and the one who ends up with the final piece of the clue will shock and surprise you!

This was a really fun read!  The entire book is filled with a variety of different kinds of puzzles to solve, in addition to the clues that lead to the treasure.  As a reader, I enjoyed stopping to try to figure them all out.  They were challenging enough to take a while to solve, but not so hard as to make them impossible (although, I did have to peek at the answers on a few!).  I would recommend this book to mystery lovers as well as anyone who likes a fun read.

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