Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fire Will Fall by Carol Plum-Ucci

Fire Will Fall by Carol Plum-Ucci is the sequel to Streams of Babel and picks up immediately where the first book ends.  In this story the Trinity Four (brothers Owen and Scott, Rain, and Cora) are sent to an historical house in New Jersey to continue their recovery after having been poisoned by terrorists.  Recovery is difficult due to the amount of medication each takes and because of the continuing symptoms like painful headaches, sore throats, and fatigue.  The teenage v-spies (hackers), Tyler and Shahzad, who constantly search for chatter among the terrorists stumble upon a new plot by the same group of extremists.  This time, it has to do with a terrible strain of the very same disease the hackers were infected with when they crashed the terrorists meeting.  Except, this new strain actually burns the victim from the inside leaving nothing but a pile of goo and bones.  The race is on trying to find the terrorists before they can infect an entire aeronautics convention and hundreds of innocent bystanders with this awful WMD while trying to keep the Trinity Four healthy and safe - from both the terrorists and from themselves.

This was a great sequel!  I really liked the way everything was wrapped up with the Trinity Four and with the hackers.  All of the problems were resolved nicely and all of the questions were answered.  I would recommend this book to older and more mature readers due to language, innuendo, and violence.

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