The Hunger Games by
Suzanne Collins is about Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year old girl living in the Seam, the 12th district of Panem, the land formerly known as North America. Ever since the Capitol defeated the 13 districts in the big war, The Hunger Games have taken place each year. One boy and one girl from each of the remaining 12 districts is randomly selected to "compete" in the games. Every year from the time children turn twelve until they turn eighteen, their names get entered into the drawing for the games. One time at age twelve, twice at age thirteen, three times at age fourteen, and so on, until they are ineligible to play at age nineteen. Children who are poor, whose families can't affort to live on their meager earnings can enter their names an additional time for each family member in return for one year's worth of grain and oil. When the names are drawn, the children must go to The Capitol, undergo three day's worth of training, and must fight one another to the death. The last one standing is delcared the winner. In this story, Prim, Katniss's twelve year old sister is the one chosen. Katniss volunteers to go in her place along with a boy from her community, Peeta. Their only trainer is the one former winner of the Hunger Games from their district, a drunk who can barely stand. It is every child for themselves as the Hunger Games begin.
I couldn't put this book down. I read the entire novel in one day's time. It is very engaging with a lot of action. It is definitely for more mature readers who can handle the violence and death. There are twists and turns along with surprises no one could guess! I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series!
I liked this book a lot. It kept me on the edge of my seat just waiting for action. This book had a lot of dying, but in the end it when the two tributes from district twelve survived it was a happy ending.
Hunger Games was kind of an interesting book, but a little weird. It was not my favorite book. There was a lot of violence in it. I had trouble understanding the concept of the book because there were so many things going on at once.
Reeve Bowling
This book was not a "full" book it had so many things going on at once it was confusing and hard to under stand but I loved how Katniss stood up for her self all the time too.
Yes it was a amazing book. My favorite part was when they were last and they all went to the cornucopia and the "wolves" were there.
The book The Hunger Games is about the US apparently being turned to rubble. Then a place called Panem is created with 13 districts and one capital. The 13 districts rebel against the capital and the capital lets 12 of them live and completely destroys the 13th. To remind them of this foolish mistake, the capital hosts the Hunger Games every year. Two people must go in from each district- one boy and one girl. A girl named Katniss Everdeen's sister is chosen at the reaping to go into the Hunger Games, but Katniss volunteers to go in her place. Then, once she is in the Hunger Games, she is pitted up against 23 other people and only one person can make it out. This year, however, the gamemakers announce there can be 2 victors. Then the gamemakers change their mind and say that only one may make it...
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action and twists and turns. "May the odds be ever in your favor."
Jarrid Pizel
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