Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Clone Codes by The McKissacks

The Clone Codes by The McKissacks is set in 2170 during a time when scientific advancements have made cloning of humans possible. There are many laws (or codes) governing the creation and ownership of clones, such as clones are only to be created as adults, they have no rights as humans but are recognized as property, and they aren't capable of lying. In this story, Leanna is a typical 13 year old, until her mother is arrested for belonging to a treasonous group called The Liberty Bell. This forces Leanna into hiding because suddenly the authorities are searching for her and have placed a one million bounty on her head! Many people are helping Leanna along the way, and through this she learns terrifying secrets that her mother has kept from her, including one that dramatically changes how Leanna sees herself, thus changing her views on cloning, making her determined to do what's right for humanity.

This was a really interesting book. I really liked the way the authors wove historical facts into their fictional novel, showing the similarities to slavery in the 1800s. It was fun to read the fact/fiction part at the back of the book to find the information supporting the ideas within the story. This book reminded me of The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

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