Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan is the first book in the new Kane Chronicles, by the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series. Sadie and Carter had been raised apart ever since their mother died six years ago. Carter lived with their father, an Egyptologist who traveled the world researching and collecting Ancient Egyptian artifacts. Carter never attended school, but received his education through their travels. Sadie lived with her grandparents in a flat in London, only seeing Carter and her father twice each year... until one Christmas night when everything changed. Little did Carter and Sadie know, their mother and father came from the two most powerful lines of Pharoah blood. The two of them were literally the only humans with enough power to stop the coming chaos that would begin taking over as soon as their father, in an attempt to make everything "right", unleashed five Egyptian Gods - Isis, Horus, Nephthys, Osiris, and the red lord, Set. Now, the kids have to figure out who they really are, save their dad, and try to save the United States from Set's evil plan, not to mention stay away from the House of Life (a group of magicians trying to keep the peace between the human world and the world of the Gods since the time of the Pharoahs), who believes Carter and Sadie are at fault for releasing the Gods! Will they set things right before it's too late?

This was an awesome book! It was full of action and adventure and packed with so much information about Ancient Egypt that I didn't know! I really liked the way it was told through both Carter's and Sadie's voices as though they were recording their stories. I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, as well as anyone who enjoys a great adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Rick Riordan Kane Chronicals book The Red Pyramid is about 2 kids, Sadie and Carter, whose family are royal Egyptian Pharohs. When their dad is sealed inside a sarcophagus, they have to rescue him. If you know the story of how Osiris became the god of the dead, you will know the basic story line. Now after their dad sinks into the ground in the sarcophagus, they battle the evil god Set in atempt to free their dad. In the middle of all that, thay learn that thay are hosting gods. Carter has Horus the god of war and aggression, while Sadie has Isis the god of love. In the end, they learn that their dad can only live in the under world.

I liked this book because it has a lot of action. It is mysterious in parts. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. I would recommend it for people who like series like Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus. The only real difference with this book is it is not Greek or Roman gods, it is Egyptian.

Jarrid Pizel